Upcoming Events
Elderberry Syrup Make & Take Class
Join us for our very first Home Healer class! We'll be making Dr Rocha's famous Elderberry Syrup with the Home Healer Elderberry Syrup Kit.
Spring Masterclass
Join Dr Rocha at this in-person event to learn about how to best support your body as we transition into the spring season!
Autumn Masterclass
Join us for the next season’s Masterclass in a convenient Zoom classroom setting! Register to save your spot in this free class with the button below!
Masterclass: Sweet Summer - A Holistic Approach
Join us for a masterclass that focuses on guiding our bodies from the energetic spring into the warming rhythms of summer from a holistic perspective.
IF you will be attending virtually, you’ll need to purchase your ticket to attend ($5), and a Zoom link will be emailed to you before the event. If you are attending the event in person, you will NOT need a ticket.
Masterclass: Spring Clean - A Holistic Approach
Join us for a masterclass that focuses on guiding our bodies from the cold winter into the warming rhythms of spring from a holistic perspective.
IF you will be attending virtually, you’ll need to purchase your ticket to attend ($5), and a Zoom link will be emailed to you before the event. If you are attending the event in person, you will NOT need a ticket.
Supplements Made Simple
Knowing which supplements are right for you can sometimes feel daunting. Which do you need? How do you choose? When do you take them? How do you know if the sourcing is reliable? Most modern lifestyles need more than we can get through our diets as our stress levels increase, our soils become depleted of nutrients, and we often can't be as close to our food sources. Find a trusted source of supplements where you know every ingredient is intentional and beneficial! We'll help you with every decision on what to take and how to take it!
This will be a Zoom event (link below, password: Hermes)
Stress Recovery Challenge
Join us for a month-long challenge where we’re be addressing long-term stress and how to unwind those root causes that are robbing our bodies of health & energy.