Why is SIBO

SIBO, or Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth is the #1 reason people are frequently misdiagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

How is it being misdiagnosed so frequently? Because in the past, the most common way to test for SIBO measured two gases in the breath, hydrogen and methane.

  1. Elevated hydrogen readings are an indication of Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), and can go without any discernable symptoms in the person.

  2. Elevated methane readings are an indication of Intestinal Methanogenic Overgrowth (IMO), and is frequently linked to constipation.

The problem here is that it leaves out a large group- those suffering from diarrhea, which was leading to the IBS stamp being applied too liberally.

Enter, Trio Smart…..

Why Trio Smart?

Trio Smart brings in the missing link in SIBO and IMO cases: hydrogen sulfide.

Trio Smart technology measures both hydrogen and methane but also measures hydrogen sulfide.

Excessive levels of hydrogen sulfide are linked to the diarrhea component that some SIBO/IMO sufferers are experiencing. Because this is detected only through Trio Smart’s breath testing, it reaches an entirely new group that can’t seem to get the answers and the relief they need.

About the test.

2 hours + shipping labels are all you need.

The Trio Smart system is entirely non-invasive and takes 2 hours to complete. It’s performed in our office and requires you to simply breathe into individual pouches every 15 minutes.

Then we mail off your specimens and will have results within one week.

Part of your appointment fee includes a New Client Consultation, which will be performed between the testing points every 15 minutes. That way we’re ready to help get you started on correcting SIBO/IMO as soon as your results are in!